With Unframed, discover the masterpieces of Swiss painters in Virtual Reality.
Detail of the application
Each of the three episodes is dedicated to a masterpiece or to a famous Swiss artist. In an original staging and a breathtaking soundscape, you will discover the emotions that lie at the very heart of these toiles, Between entertainment and information, fiction and documentary, Unframed is surely no simple audio guide for a museum. It is in fact a new artwork celebrating an older one.
The Unframed application regroups the three existing episodes of the series. Directed by Martin Charrière from DNA Studios, produced by the Radio Télévision Suisse, they have been screened in many festivals between 2017 and 2018 - among them, the Locarno International Film Festival, the Geneva International Film Festival, the VR Library of Festival de Cannes and many more.
Details of the content
The application regroups the three episodes of the Unframed series.
The Isle of the Dead
This toile, of which the Swiss Arnold Böcklin painted five different versions between 1880 and 1886, has inspired many artists and musicians throughout the world and time. Its sinister atmosphere, known worldwide, doesn’t really appeal for a visit. Will you dare leave for a voyage in this 360° episode ?
Then embark aboard the rowboat and let the ferryman take you to the shore. You will be guided by the voice of Yann Marguet, a Swiss humorist. He will tell you about the famous Isle of the Dead, the many existing versions of it and the numerous secrets hiding behind these huge rocks...
The series of woodcuts called Intimacies, published in 1898, is the artwork that made Félix Vallotton famous. These ten indoor scenes represent the sentimental life of a young Parisian woman, with all of its ups and downs, with a husband or a lover. The woman depicted, Misia Sert, was a famous pianist in Paris. She was Vallotton’s friend and muse, as well as many other famous French artists of their generation.
In this 360° episode, you will be guided by Misia Sert’s voice. In this fictional staging, the pianist reacts to the discovery of those ten woodcuts. Let her lead you through Parisian indoors of the late 19th century and discover unprecedented points of views in Vallotton’s art.
Ferdinand Hodler is one of the most emblematic artists of Switzerland. In 2018, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of his death. At this occasion, Unframed released a special episode. In this interactive journey in Virtual Reality, (re)discover three of Hodler’s major artworks.
Dive in the depths of The Night, the scandalous painting first censored by Geneva in 1890. Blend into the crowd that came to admire the forbidden work, and find out how it made the fortune and the glory of the Swiss painter.
Leave the town and meet the Woodcutter, one of the most famous order made to Hodler. Discuss with him during his pause and hear the story of its destiny, from the first drawings to its impression on the first bank notes of Switzerland.
Finally, wander among some of the beautiful landscapes painted by Hodler. Until the end of his life, he loved to take the train and stop to a selected point of view, sitting there hours trying to grasp every elements necessary to his compositions.