Beautiful Verbena Wallpaper Graphics HD Backgrounds Free!
Verbena ( Verbéna ) is a genus of plants of the family. According to the database of The Plant List the genus contains 124 species.
Annual or perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants up to 1 m high. The stem is tetrahedral erect spread or creeping pubescent.
Leaves opposite rarely whorled or alternating elongated-oval dark green pubescent dentate pinnately incised or incised sometimes whole.
Flowers small 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter sessile with 5-toothed calyx funneled almost bilabial 5-lobed aureole collected 30-50 times in terminal corymbose or paniculate inflorescences ears or brushes rarely papillate. Verbena has a large range of colors: white yellow pink bright and dark red salmon blue and dark blue. Flowers can be monochrome and also with a white or creamy eye.
Fruit is a light brown or greenish picking nut that breaks into four parts. In 1 g to 300 seeds.
Celtic priests prepared from verbena a drink of love which, in addition protected from evil spirits and reconciled enemies. It was considered grass astrologically subordinate to Venus. As a grass of love verbena helps against anger extinguishes emotions leads to a cheerful disposition of the spirit.
The plant was used to purify the home. It was believed that the grass is able to fulfill any desire for which it is enough to wipe it off.
Widely distributed verbena as a curative. Its root was treated with scrofula and abscesses. Strengthened mental activity. To relieve a person of headaches it was prescribed to plant verbena in the ground to which the patient's hair was mixed; When she was growing up she had to be burned. Another recipe: to take a branch of verbena with a left hand if it feels better it will die if it is worse it will get better.
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