A thrilling VR Space Cockpit for your Cardboard or Google VR powered headset.
Get ready for a new, immersive experience on this Virtual Reality Space Cockpit. Experience the isolation of being stranded in space using your Google Cardboard or any mobile virtual reality headset that is compatible with Google VR & Daydream. This mind bending experience is not for the faint of heart!
- Stereoscopic rendering and head tracking are powered by the latest Google VR Daydream technology.
- A massive space environment filled with amazing sights!
Menu Title, "Space (Orchestral)" by:
VR Title, "Space ambient" by:
Learn more about Google Cardboard & Google VR today!
Works with any mobile stereoscopic headset with a built in accelerator. We suggest the Cardboard app as a great VR app manager and for configuring headsets.Im