Electromagnetic Field and Vibration Detection with Camera
This app is Designed to Detect EMF and Vibrations in two different modes.
Your Device must have both a COMPASS and Accelerometer.
Download a Device Sensor Test app, prior to purchasing. This way you can verify if your Device has a COMPASS and Accelerometer prior.
About the app:
MOBILE MODE: This Mode is used with the Camera when walking around trying to find a Ghost to Communicate with. Electromagnetic Field Detection, Debunks anything that may look like a Ghost or ORB. Therefore, Dust is dust and ORBS are ORBS! Simply because Dust does not cause Electromagnetic Fields.
Stationary Mode: This Mode is for when you find a Ghost to Communicate with. You simple Place your device down on a non moving surface and ask the spirit to touch the device for various answers. Both EMF and Vibrations will be Detected using this mode.
FILTERS: There is Various Filters for both Day and Night Time Investigations.
Unlike many other apps whom Claim Night Vision. We do not! You can't have Night Vision with a Device that does not Have a Night Vision Camera. Cold hard facts is what VBE PARANORMAL has always been about. Therefore, the Filters you get with this app uses what hardware your Device Actually has.
Help and Questions?
Please join our Facebook Group. We are always glad to Help. Not only with app questions but Investigation assistance as well. We are a Family of Paranormal Investigators and Users alike. We do not judge. I have been doing this from age 5 and believe me. I still see and here from our members I have not experienced myself before.
Thank you for your support from 2016 till today.