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Hatem: Namaz Ezan Vakti, Kıble icon

1.0.18 by Appeker

Mar 1, 2025

About Hatem: Namaz Ezan Vakti, Kıble

Prayer Times, Azan Clock with Religious Alarm, Qibla Compass and Dhikrmatic

With the Prayer Times 2023 data, you can follow the evening prayer, morning prayer, afternoon prayer, noon prayer and night prayer with the Azan Clock with Religious Alarm. The Qibla Compass can be used as a Kaaba direction finder. Thanks to the dhikrmatic feature, you can pray with the dhikr counter, rosary counter and salawat counter functions.

Hatem features

- Prayer times

- Qibla finder compass

- Imsakiye

- qibla finder

- Zikirmatik

- Religious information

Azan times

It is a feature that allows you to easily access all these details at what time the evening prayer, afternoon prayer, morning prayer, night prayer and morning prayer are read.

Diyanet Prayer Times 2023 for which provinces

Adana Prayer Times

Adiyaman Prayer Times

Afyonkarahisar Prayer Times

Agri Prayer Times

Aksaray Prayer Times

Amasya Prayer Times

Ankara Prayer Times

Antalya Prayer Times

Ardahan Prayer Times

Artvin Prayer Times

Aydin Prayer Times

Balikesir Prayer Times

Bartin Prayer Times

Batman Prayer Times

Bayburt Prayer Times

Bilecik Prayer Times

Bingol Prayer Times

Bitlis Prayer Times

Bolu Prayer Times

Burdur Prayer Times

Bursa Prayer Times

Canakkale Prayer Times

Cankiri Prayer Times

Corum Prayer Times

Denizli Prayer Times

Diyarbakir Prayer Times

Duzce Prayer Times

Edirne Prayer Times

Elazig Prayer Times

Erzincan Prayer Times

Erzurum Prayer Times

Eskisehir Prayer Times

Gaziantep Prayer Times

Giresun Prayer Times

Gumushane Prayer Times

Hakkari Prayer Times

Hatay Prayer Times

Igdir Prayer Times

Isparta Prayer Times

Istanbul Prayer Times

Izmir Prayer Times

Kahramanmaras Prayer Times

Karabuk Prayer Times

Karaman Prayer Times

Kars Prayer Times

Kastamonu Prayer Times

Kayseri Prayer Times

Kilis Prayer Times

Kirikkale Prayer Times

Kirklareli Prayer Times

Kirsehir Prayer Times

Kocaeli Prayer Times

Konya Prayer Times

Kütahya Prayer Times

Malatya Prayer Times

Manisa Prayer Times

Mardin Prayer Times

Mersin Prayer Times

Mugla Prayer Times

Mus Prayer Times

Nevsehir Prayer Times

Nigde Prayer Times

Army Prayer Times

Osmaniye Prayer Times

Rize Prayer Times

Sakarya Prayer Times

Samsun Prayer Times

Sanliurfa Prayer Times

Siirt Prayer Times

Sinop Prayer Times

Sivas Prayer Times

Sirnak Prayer Times

Tekirdag Prayer Times

Tokat Prayer Times

Trabzon Prayer Times

Tunceli Prayer Times

Usak Prayer Times

Van Prayer Times

Yalova Prayer Times

Yozgat Prayer Times

Zonguldak Prayer Times

Which cities support azan times?

In addition to all provinces of Turkey, Diyanet prayer times data are also available for many European cities such as Berlin, Dortmund, Munich, Essen, Amsterdam and Cologne.

For which prayers can you get time information?

You can find information about the times of morning prayer, noon prayer, afternoon prayer, evening prayer, night prayer, tarawih prayer and Friday prayer.

How does the qibla compass work?

Qibla direction compass works according to the location on your phone. For this reason, your phone's internet must be turned on. If your phone's internet is not turned on or there is a problem with the location settings, the wrong result may appear. You need to make sure that your phone is not close to a magnetic field. Which side is the qibla, where is the qibla and which direction is the qibla will easily answer your questions for you.

How to find the qibla?

It is enough to enter the qibla compass screen and hold your phone horizontally in this application that works with the internet, which you can use to find the qibla direction with your mobile phone.

What does Zikirmatik do?

Thanks to its smart dhikrmatic feature, you can easily chant your dhikr and allow you to chant without rosary whenever you want. With this feature, which is a kind of digital dhikrmatic and rosary, you can perform prayer tasbihat after your time prayers.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.18

Last updated on Mar 1, 2025

Yeni Özellikler

Otomatik Konum Tespiti: Namaz vakitleri artık bulunduğunuz konuma göre otomatik olarak tespit ediliyor! Uygulama, cihazınızın konumunu kullanarak namaz vakitlerini anında güncelliyor.

Kullanıcı Deneyimi: Manuel konum seçmeye gerek kalmadan, her yerde doğru ve güncel vakitlere ulaşın.


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Request Hatem: Namaz Ezan Vakti, Kıble Update 1.0.18

Uploaded by

Vu Thanh Nguyen

Requires Android

Android 7.0+

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