How to Register And Download Free Fire OB41 Advance Server
Free Fire OB41 Advance Server is now available to download! Send your application, receive the exclusive active code, and be the one to try on the new features of Free Fire OB41 before anyone else!
Every two months, Garena releases a new version of its flagship game Free Fire. Before the OB upgrades are released to everyone else, they distribute an Advanced Server which is free but only available to selected users chosen by Garena. There is limited space on this server and competition for access can be tough.
When Will Free Fire OB41 Update Come Out
The good news is that the upcoming OB41 Advance Server for Free Fire has already started accepting applications. Free Fire OB41 advance server opening time is scheduled and announced earlier. This new advance server testing phase will last for 18 days, from July 21st to August 7th. Get ready for the Free Fire OB41 advance server sign-up a few days later! In this guide, we'll teach you how to download and sign-up for the Free Fire Advance Server with a step-by-step registration guide.
How to Download Free Fire OB41 Advance Server
APKPure website gives all Android users a simple way to download and install tons of games and apps. Follow the three steps given below to download and install Free Fire OB41 Advance Server Apk:
Step 1: Search for Free Fire Advance Server on APKPure.
Step 2: Tap the download button to commence downloading process.
Step 3: Follow the step-by-step instructions prompted on the screen to complete the installation.
How to Sign up for Free Fire OB41 Advance Server
The process of signing up for the OB41 Advanced Server has begun. It's free for everyone to register, but there are only a certain number of spots available on the server and not every user will be able to join.
As previously mentioned, only players who have registered are allowed to participate in the Advance Server. Hence, gamers can easily sign up for it by following some simple steps.
1. Enter the Registration Website
To access the registration page, click on the provided link. This website is where players will input their information later and it is the official advanced server site. Look for the "Login via Facebook" option and select it.
2. Create a profile by logging in with Facebook
Log in using your Facebook account that is linked to a Free Fire account. Then, provide some basic information such as name, email, and phone number so that you can be directed to the page where you can download the APK file.
3. Download the APK File for Free Fire OB41
Once you have filled out all the required fields, a page will appear where you can download the APK Client and access the link for the .apk file. After that, simply wait for an Activation code to be sent to you before launching Free Fire OB41 Advanced Server.
Gamers can register with ease by providing their Gmail ID and in-game UID. These details are crucial for receiving the advanced server's activation code and rewards for identifying bugs or glitches. If an error occurs during installation, users can simply re-download the APK file and repeat the registration process.
You don't have to delete the original Free Fire game since the advanced server is considered a different app. However, you need to ensure that your device has sufficient memory and storage space as the APK file could be more than 1GB in size. After the testing phase of the advanced server ends, all players will no longer have access to it but can still use their account for playing the main game.
It is not necessary to uninstall the original Free Fire as the advanced server functions as a distinct app. However, it is important to ensure that sufficient memory and storage space are available because the APK file may be larger than 1GB. When testing on the advanced server concludes, all players will lose access but their accounts can still be used in the main game.