Aplikasi Nilai Tertinggi yang berisi kode ICD-10 dan ICD-11 dengan Data 2020 terbaru.
2020 Codes - and Free Updates every year (Don't get stuck with old data)
Looking for the HIGHEST RATED APP containing the ICD-10 and ICD-11 codes with latest 2020 Data?
This app is must for all physicians , Doctors, Hospitals and clinics need medical diagnosis coding.
All ICD-10 and ICD-11 Codes data is available to you at your finger tips? ICD-10 and ICD-11 Codes gives you the opportunity to view codes, symptoms, categories, etc used by all healthcare providers.
INDEX - Complete Index at your Finger Tips
SEARCH- Search using keywords or Codes
BOOKMARKS, FAVOURITES- Bookmark your most commonly used ICD Codes
2020 New & Revised Diagnosis Code For ICD-10 and ICD-11