CJ Games無預警下架《動物聯萌》並在美國另起爐灶:
於2023年7月3日卻無預警的上述提到的社群關閉,且無預警將此遊戲從Google lay和Apple store下架,官方也沒任何說明或公告。
不少玩家已在消保會、台灣行政院數位發展部投訴,彩津資訊股份有限公司回覆公司內部有問題。現在卻在美國以TINY ANIMAL WAR: SVENDIA重新上架,似乎想重演吸金後再收掉的戲碼。並照常開DC群,有著與當初在台灣開DC群的相同名稱工作人員。
有向Google Play申訴無果,消基會未回覆,新聞媒體僅自由時報以「並沒有「無預警下架」的問題」作為結論,但並無查證是否「無預警下架」,Google lay和Apple store都找不到這款遊戲,算不算下架?
因為Google Play對遊戲審核並不嚴苛,回覆也都是罐頭。如果有任何台灣、美國的消費者申訴管道、美國遊戲論壇等,都歡迎提供給予我們。
TINY ANIMAL WAR: SVENDIA is a TINY ANIMAL WAR game released by CJ Games in Taiwan in January 2022, and launched a variety of lesson money activities in January 2023, attracting many players to invest time and money. However, after the event ended, the updates gradually decreased, and there were even more bugs than game content updates, and some of them could not be solved. In the officially established Discord, it has been mentioned many times since March that there will be a major revision in July 2023, and occasionally throws out some current development progress, including conceptual drawings of art design and gameplay. On July 3, 2023, the above-mentioned community was closed without warning, and the game was removed from Google play and Apple store without warning, and there was no official explanation or announcement.
Many complaints to google play are just canned responses, but Google knows this incident and let CJ Games re-launch in the American, and also opened a discord with the same staff as Taiwan's discord.
Complaints were made to various government agencies in Taiwan, but CJ Games only responded to the company's internal problems, but did not provide any channels for players to report, game compensation, etc.
I hope that the same incident will not happen again. Although this post has nothing to do with Monster Super League, I hope the moderator will allow me to promote it here to prevent players from more countries from being victimized.
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