Ottenere tutte le reti principali social in un'unica applicazione!
Here comes the real power of a social media! The Smart Social Media lets you Like a Facebook post, post a photo on Instagram, Watch a status on WhatsApp, connect with people on LinkedIn, post a tweet on Twitter, check the Gmail, Watch updates on Buzzfeed and Wittyfeed - All these things at once.
Why download tons of applications when we have the 'Smart' way to use them.
This application includes the collection of several Social Networks. The application opens the app of the social media company if installed. If it not installed, the app redirects the user to its respective website and you can continue your social journey.
The best all-in-one smart app which helps manage your social networks and keep your phone away from installing dozens of unnecessary applications.
-No Disturbing Ads
-30+ Social Networks
-The One tap Home Button
-User Friendly
-No history Recorded
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