APKPure Appを使用する
Beachfront Hotelの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member deals with the Beachfront Hotel app. Earn 10 loyalty points for every $1 you spend at Beachfront Hotel. With mobile payment support, you can purchase exclusive in-app offers and pay in-store with your phone; no cash, no long ATM lines and no lost cards. It’s safe, secure and simple.
- Earn loyalty points for every $1 you spend
- Facebook Connect or email sign-up; it’s your choice
- Mastercard, Visa, and Amex* are all accepted
- Mobile payment support; buy deals in-app and pay in-store with your phone
- Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member
*2% surcharge on American Express purchases
Last updated on 2018年09月26日
Bug Fixes and UI Improvements
Beachfront Hotel
5.16.0 by LOKE loyalty apps