Easy Signature Generator & New signature maker app アイコン

Easy Signature Generator & New signature maker app

1.12 by EsLaFApps
2019年01月02日 旧バージョン

Easy Signature Generator & New signature maker appについて


Easy Signature Generator & New signature maker app allow user to create your own signature i.e. auto signature & manual signature or autograph with background photos. Auto mode recommends you different kinds of signatures with predefined styles. It would be decent in the event that you use manual mode to make a signature. Every signature has different text so we have different signature font’s styles in auto signature. It also contains manual signature mode to create signatures with your fingertips. Simply, add your name and modify or set your sign by squeezing, hauling, zooming and pivoting your sign with the assistance of fingers. You can also change the color of name text to beatify your sign. Signature generator app is very easy to use. It is one of the beautiful applications to create signatures.

Signature Font is a simple and adaptable app intended to give in vogue looking textual styles to your phone. On the off chance that you are exhausted with dull textual styles from your phone then this application will give you distinctive in vogue looking text styles to utilize. This is a free signature creator application and you can design, alter and review at the same time and after that save and share on socials webs.

Easy Signature Generator & New signature maker app is really a reliable functional app. This philography app lets you easily create signatures for you daily life use. Photo signature app helps a lot in making your own hand written signature with various fonts. You can use it to put my signature on messages. This gives you many ideas to create your own cool signature. It provides both manual signature stamps and auto signature. It also includes watermark signature, personal stamps, photo sign maker, autograph sign, autograph book, signature on behalf ,autograph style, Signature creator, name signature ,signature image, email signature, custom signature pad, picture signature, photography signature, sms signature, create my name signature app, digital signature maker, pdf signature maker, photo signature maker, name signature maker, app signature maker, create electronic signature & digital signature, signature maker app, signature pro, best signature make, top signature maker, signature of my name, write signature meaning etc. Take autograph of famous personalities and collect autographs of celebrities using signature design. It helps a lot in making your own hand written signature with various fonts.


Create Auto signature with predefined fonts/ stylish signature samples

create manual signature by fingertips/ Handwritten signature

Choose font and color of signature text

Signature on photo – select background

View your previous signature

Undo & redo signature

Choose pen size for manual signature

Fancy and stylish signature fonts

Best signature design and auto grapher

Simple and Functional Signature creator

See you’re creations/ saved items in gallery

Create new signature with Perfect signature styles





Aimar Andres Mendoza

Android 要件

Android 4.1+



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