APKPure Appを使用する
Learning Allyの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
Get access to Learning Ally audiobooks. Membership is required to use this app.
Learning Ally provides 80,000 audiobooks and audio textbooks to help anyone who experiences difficulty in reading print material succeed. This app allows you to instantly access Learning Ally’s downloadable DAISY-formatted audiobooks. Learning Ally membership is required to use this app.
Get the Learning Ally Audio app for your Android device today! Learning Ally Audio is compatible with most devices running Android OS 4.1 or later.
Learning Ally is a nonprofit organization, and the nation’s leading provider of accessible educational content. Learning Ally works with key textbook publishers to provide audio textbooks for K-12 and college level curricula.
• Direct downloading: Download audiobooks from your Learning Ally account’s Bookshelf directly to your device
• Page and chapter navigation: Seamlessly navigate through audiobooks by using chapters and page numbers as points of reference
• Variable speed control: Adjustable reading speed to your tastes by increasing or decreasing the speed of audio playback
• Last position playback: Automatically remembers where you left off in each book
• Bookmarking capabilities: Create and edit bookmarks to mark important passages
• Shake to play or stop audio.
To use Learning Ally Audio, membership and proof of a learning disability is required. Visit LearningAlly.org to see how you qualify for membership.
APKPure Appを使用する
Learning Allyの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
APKPure Appを使用する
Learning Allyの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能