APKPure Appを使用する
OfferHutと近くの最高のオファーを見つけます。オファー - 割引 - スリランカのお得な情報。
Find best offers out there. Hundreds of merchants are now publishing their offers with us.
Offers for you - Gives you specially picked offers based on your preferences and activities.
Trending offers - Find offers with highest attractions.
Nearby - Filters the offers around you.
Locator - Search what you want to buy, app will locate the shops.
Shopping Mode - Shopping mode comes in handy when you do shopping. It notifies nearby offers.
Wish List - Keep your favorite offers in the wish list.
OfferHut (Offer Hut) is the One Stop Offer Platform in Sri Lanka.
It will help you to find the Best Offers in Sri Lanka, Best Deals in Sri Lanka, Best Discounts in Sri Lanka.
Last updated on 2021年04月07日
New merchants and offers
Simplified UX
Improvements to UI and functionality
Massimo Iacovelli
Android 要件
Android 4.2+
Sri Lanka1.3.1 by Extrogene Software Inc