レビュー: 77 レーティング: 7.2
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100% pay to win now!way too many people who take little to no damage and deliver 1 hit kills have ruined this game.You can be a lvl10 up agains a lvl6 whos emptied their entire wallets into this game, who end up with a weapon that does 90+ dmg and 300+ health light armour with speed boosts kill you in 0.5sec even though you had full health and there STILL level fckn 6! Games need to separate those who pay to win and those who play with skill, cuz this sht is getn retarded...
Rather enjoyable. Can be pay to win but it's still skill based after that. Has overtaken CoD Mobile by mistake. Don't invest money unless you got it like that. Packages are overpriced.