レビュー: 9 レーティング: 9.8
dear lord and please help coronavirus get away soon and so i can go back to work and making lots of money for myself and very important to me is paying my cell phone and my house and understand i dont want to be like homeless people live in shelter and that wont be good for me and i really love my parents and my family very much and also i really love going auctions and flea markets to buy electronics and smartphones to play with and going clubs with my parents and family to and i really enjoying drinking alcohol beverages and playing casino games to win big money for myself and i love rap music and doesnt matter if music have advisory in it and is lot better than peace of crap silent night holy night and to old baby song and never understand to change and i am so sick and tired of it every year and months and wished governor should put typed of meditation to kill ****** old baby silent night holy night song and because governor should make that choice and if i governor and i would make that choice and please believe me yes i can do it and does matter very seriously deathly sure can happen and thing is it really driving me crazy very badly and i swear i gotta shoot it in the face and understand i would do it to make it stop harassing and bothering me every months getting to much same thing over and over again and ready to put that silent night holy night song alway in the dump and please make that happen for god shake oyeah to get the ****** **** out of america and wont get donald trump to make that silent night song going in the cage and locked it up for good oyeah the way to go donald trump and you can do it
❤❤❤@i love this game