완전 검색 및 탐색과 오프라인지도는 어떤 전화 네트워크가 필요하지 않습니다!
Offline touring map of the French island of Corsica. Avoid expensive roaming charges. The map runs completely on your device: map, routing, search, gazetteer, bookmark. It does not use your data connection.
No ads. All features fully functional on installation. No add-ons. No extra downloads.
We focus on visitors, emphasizing historical and touristic points of interest. The map style is designed for outdoor use.
The map is based OpenStreetMap, http://www.openstreetmap.org data. It is well mapped. Coverage of hotels, eating places and food shops is reasonable but by no means complete. We publish free app updates every few months with new information.
You can:
* find out where you are, if you have GPS.
* show a route between any place for motor vehicle, foot or bicycle; even without a GPS device.
* display simple turn-by-turn navigation [*].
* search for places
* display gazetteer lists of commonly needed places like hotels, eating places, shops, banks, things to see and do, golf courses, medical facilities. Show how to get there from your current location.
* bookmark places like your hotel for easy return navigation.
* * Navigation will show you an indicative route and can be configured for car, bicycle or foot. The developers provide it without any guarantee that it is always correct. For example, OpenStreetMap data does not always have turn restrictions - places where it is illegal to turn. Use with care and above all look out for and obey road signs.
We hope it does not happen to you but: Like most small developers, we cannot test a wide variety of phones and tablets. If you have trouble running the application, do email us and we will try to help and/or refund you.