1500 + 다양한 의료 항목에 대한 영리한 약어, 운율, 메모리 트릭,
1500+ clever acronyms, rhymes, and memory tricks, on various medical topics and medical sciences ranging from basic medical sciences like anatomy and physiology to more specialized medical disciplines like cardiology , urology and dermatology. *Created for medical professionals by medical professionals. *Help with hard-to-remember concepts like the Pediatric Immunization Schedule and Respiratory and Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis. *Excellent study aid for Medical Students, Nurse practitioners, Dentists, practicing doctors, practicing nurses and other healthcare professionals. *Extensive coverage of hard-to-remember and various medical specialties *Works in portrait and landscape mode *You can save your favorite mnemonics for quick recall! * You can browse and search for quick study *Excellent study aid for the USMLE, ANCC, NBDE,PLAB, NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN board exams *Color-coded mnemonics to aid learning.