Pro Picks

1.6 by LessMS Me
Mar 21, 2019

Pro Picks 정보

장점과 종목을 승리!

Why waste $2 for a PowerBall ticket if you pick the wrong numbers? If you play lottery games you know you're in competition with millions of others that want to pick those winning numbers. With this app you can set the seed for those number picks with your own key. When you've set your own key you'll see a little key displayed in the top-left corner. Get that advantage over others!

To change the count of numbers to select (up to 25) just tap the "Pick" shaded area at the top left. To change the pool of numbers (1-100) just tap the "1-xxx" (where xxx = some displayed number) at the top right. Touch the bottom left icon to invert your numbers. Touch the bottom 2nd from left to pick new numbers. Tap the middle bottom voice button and have the numbers read to you!

Touch the gear and the settings menu appears where you can:

* Set the orbs to display!

* Set if you want odd numbers marked!

* Set your private key!

* Show winning stats of other users!

* Register your win!

* Set the pitch and speed of the voice feedback!

* Send me an email directly!

Win big!

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필요한 Android 버전



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