리뷰: 1 순위: 10.0
초현실적인 3D 양궁 게임
This Is A great game. Love playing this game.But I'm having A small issue. When I play the game against another player. The game messes up. And I lose every game.The game stops playing after the person I'm playing makes there shot. Then when It starts back up . It shows that I've lost.I only shot 1time. If you get the time will you please check on this? I understand If you can't make time right now.So far It had only messes up when I play someone. It's still A great, great game. I hope the team that came up with this game. Becomes (OPERA, Underwood, EARNHART, JORDON, RICH,that's right. This RiCH).Don't forget to check Archery talent out.I know I talk to much.I want say Sorry. Because I like to talk. From your Friend And Mine. SARA.