리뷰: 48 순위: 8.1
싸워라! 싸우지 않으면 당신의 한계를 알 수 없다
It is a good game but get rid of the zombies or make them not as powerful. Also make npc animals to kill and eat.
Stop those hackers dont let them hack by using gg,and update the game, and get rid of pos we need reg 2 not reg 23,dont let them bring pos stop hackers it makes game worst.
I have a lvl 75 fox and my attack lvl 301 pls fix bc it crashes every time I attack
I love this game My fox is almost Lvl 20 And I'm so excited but I don't like how there's moders and Hackers But That's ok . And ALSO BAN BAD WORD CHATING please.
It's a nice game but there's hackers,_modders & H.H _(hacker h ell). Making it hard to play without lagging.
I want to play please fix it i can't play
I had wings and I was immo but now I keep trying to get into the game it says it stoped. Makes me sad wao is my favorite game it breaks me when I can not play my favorite game. ಥ-ಥ ಗ-ಗ