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Get Samsung Live Smart 365 old version APK for Android
The application contains 365 tips to use smart technology from Samsung.
Live Smart 365
Live Smart 365 este o aplicatie Samsung ce promoveaza folosirea tehnologiei smart in viata de zi cu zi.
Aplicatia contine 365 de sfaturi de utilizare a tehnologiei smart, cu ajutorul carora utilizatorii descopera utilitatea device-urilor Samsung. Sfaturile acopera cele 365 de zile ale anului, impartite calendaristic in 4 categorii si ofera si informatii despre produsele Samsung complementare; ele pot fi filtrate cu ajutorul unui motor de cautare.
Versiunea 2.0 include o noua sectiune, "Smart Selector", care va ajuta in alegerea produsului Samsung Smart potrivit pentru dumneavoastra.
Live Smart 365
Live Smart 365 is a Samsung application that promotes the smart use of technology in everyday life.
The application contains 365 tips to use smart technology; with their help, the users also discover the utility of Samsung devices. The advises cover the 365 days of the year, calendar divided into 4 categories and also provide additional information about Samsung products; they can be filtered by using a search engine.
Version 2.0 has a new feature, "Smart Selector", which will help you choose the right Samsung Smart product, according to your desires.
Last updated on Feb 20, 2016
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Samsung Live Smart 365
3.0.11 by Breeze Mobile Marketing SRL
Feb 20, 2016