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Mengetahui Perjalanan Ruh Keti icon

9.0.9 by Apps Semoga Berkah

Feb 2, 2019

About Mengetahui Perjalanan Ruh Keti

Knowing the Journey of Spirit When Apart From the Body

When they have arrived to bring it to the sky,

they asked that the sky door be opened for him.

So from every sky he was accompanied by his guards

 get to the next sky. That is what will be

happened until he reached the sky there was God.

Then God says:

اكتبوا كتاب عبدي في عليين, و أعيدوه إلى الأرض, فإني منها خلقتهم, وفيها أعيدهم, و منها أخرجهم تارة أخرى

"Note by you that my servant (this) is in heaven‘ illiyyin,

and (now) return him to the earth.

Really from him I have created them,

and to him I will return them,

and from it also I will remove them once more ".

Then his life was returned to his body.

Then two angels came to him.

Both of them ask, who is your Lord? Then he answered,

My Rabb is God. Both of them asked again, what is your religion?

So he answered, my religion is Islam.

Both of them asked again, who had been

sent in the middle of you guys? Then he answered,

he is the messenger of God. Both of them asked again,

who taught you? Then he answered,

I read the book of God,

believe in him and justify it.

What's New in the Latest Version 9.0.9

Last updated on Feb 2, 2019

App Ini Kumpulan Artikel Pengetahuan

Sekitar Pelet ,Mantra,Doa Doa,obat Tradisional
Kata Kata Dan lmu Pengetahuan Anak Sekolah
Yang Di Kembangkan Oleh Raden Rama Indana Tegal.......Semoga Bermanfaat Dan Berguna Bagi
Anda Semua.............Terimakasih.

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Latest Version

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Uploaded by

Anthony Alejandro QM

Requires Android

Android 4.0.3+

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