Islamic Lectures by Shaykh Abu Zaid Zameer
Assalamu Aalaikum wa Rehmatullahe wa Barkatahu
We bring to you Islamic Lectures that are based on Qur’an and Sunnah, as understood by the Salaf (Righteous Predecessors) of this Ummah! Browse our website and download urdu lectures on variety of topics.
All lectures are delivered by Shaykh Abu Zaid Zameer, join him on
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For authentic islamic books visit:
1. Islam Basics
2. Namaaz ke 10 Masaail
3. Taqleed-e-Jaamid Ya Ittibaa
4. Taraaweeh ki Rakaat : Ek Tahqeeq
5. Islaah-e-Nafs
1. Eid e Meeladun Nabiy
2. ilm Amal aur Dawat
3. Islaami Bunyaaden
4. Islaami Ghar
5. Ramadaan : Masaail aur Aadaab
1. Ahle-Hadeeth se Mutalliq Shubhaat ka Izaalaa
2. Eid ul Adhaa ke Masaail
3. Muharram ke Ahkaam
4. Nikaah : Aadaab aur Masaail
5. Qawaid-e-Islam
Fiqh Ke Baaz Usool
Hadees Ke Baaz Usool
Rahmtullil Aalmeen
Ikhtalaaf e Ummat
Khawaateen e Islam
Wudu Ka Tareeqa
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Jazakallahu khairan