App untuk membantu peniaga-peniaga produk pertanian menyimpan rekod pembelian mereka.
This application helps trades or purchasers of agricultural products in keeping a record of their purchases.
Traders just have to enter the details of purchase made ,e.g. name and aadhar number of their supplier,broker /supplier name,quantity,rate,cut bags ,deductions ,etc. and the app will generate a bill showing all the details and the final amount to be paid to the supplier.
User can share this bill with their supplier or can take a printout of the bill, a copy of the bill will be saved in user's device.
Details of the purchases made like net quantity,number of bags ,supplier details ,net amount will be saved in database and can be viewed in anytime.
Records can be sorted date wise,item wise and broker wise.
Excel file can be generated for all the purchase records.
All the records can be saved in Google Drive ,so that users don’t lose their data even if they change their device.