Cepat membuat penggera di tepi. UI tersuai mudah. Jam bergaya.
Alarm clock style s10 edge is one of best application on store with new UI. You can custom your background with default image or you can choose image from your phone. Image of your family , your love, .... That great.
Edge feature help you control easily on home screen. Quick create alarm and go to sleep.
More funtion:
- World clock
- Stop watch
- Timer
Permission: My app need permissions to run some feature.
- SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW : Show edge on home screen.
- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNSL_STORAGE : Custom background by choose image from storage.
- FOREGROUND_SERVICE : Keep app on notification.
- REQUEST_IGNORE_BATERY_OPTIMIZATIONS : Keep alarm service not destroy by system to save batery.
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Restart edge when restart phone.
- WAKE_LOCK , VIBRATE : Show alarm screen and vibrate. You can snooze or dimiss alarm.
Thank you for download Alarm clock style S10 edge. If you have any problem. please feel free and contac to me.