Enhance Reality of GPS Navigation, Route Finder with Power of Augmented Reality.
AR Navigation is new way to navigate around the world with key technology used is Augmented Reality.
AR Route Finder:
AR Navigation - AR GPS Drive and Route Finder aims to enhance Route navigation with greater interactivity. This AR App superimposes location information over back camera view of world like real. AR Navigation also provides GPS directions and AR Route Finder. AR GPS navigation is much easier and safer than other traditional route finfer apps. GPS Navigation AR shows very accurate driving route between the locations you set. AR Maps Navigation helps you to reach the destination in time.
Nearby Places AR - Find Near Me:
Nearby Places AR quickly identifies your position so you can easily find and navigate to near places. A complete city guide in AR as well as simple view. AR Nearby places project landmarks directly onto the screen of your smart phone. change the radius of your area with help of scrolling bar liea on bottom.
AR Route Finder Driving:
GPS Navigation & AR Maps trace and accurately engage with your surroundings using your smart phone geolocation positioning. AR Route Finder is the route planner which helps you to find route between any two locations with directions. It also provides detailed hd maps, route previews & instructions. Find AR directions for Bus/Train Transit, Driving, Walking or Bicycling.
AR Traveling App:
AR travelling mode shows the route for driving mode, walking mode and Bicycling mode and gives you very accurate GPS location. You can view the preview of the route drawn on the map which would help to know the route correctly. In that view, the driving route instructions will be shown step by step in points. By touching that steps individually, that particular part of the route will be highlighted on the map screen. This will help you navigate and reach the target easily.
Features you can find in AR Navigation:
- Toggles between the Map view and Augmented Reality view of places.
- Augmented Reality View of Nearby Locations.
- Very simple and easy to use. Within just two taps, you can find the route.
- You can add multiple way points in route easily.