Tibetan monks choir with singing bowls, chimes and tibetan bells for chakras.
Very deep and strong chakra meditation music for all seven chakras.
The chakra meditative music performed by Buddsist monks , chanting the om mantra in musical key corresponding to each chakra in our body.
Simulate the energy points of your subtle body chakras.
There are seven that considered to be the most important and included in this App :
1) Muladhara - the root chakra - performed in the key of 'C'.
2) Svadhisthana - the sacral chakra - performed in the key of 'D'.
3) Manipura - the solar plexus chakra - performed in the key of 'E'.
4) Anahata - the heart chakra - performed in the key of 'F'.
5) Vishuddha - the throat chakra - performed in the key of 'G'.
6) Ajna - the third eye chakra - performed in the key of 'A'.
7) Sahasrara - the crown chakra - performed in the key of 'B'.
Awaken your life force for positive thinking.