Cara yang baik untuk belajar tentang Kanun Tatacara Jenayah
CRPC IN HINDI is in a user friendly design with excellent user experience. the app helps understand sections better and ensures you are up to date with all the aspects of this act. Divided clearly into Chapters and Sections and unedited text of all the sections.
The aim of this app is to spread awareness among the people of India about Code of Criminal Procedure of India.
Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equally important for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and be more comfortable with the legal terminology.
One app focused on CrPC India giving an excellent user experience while studying and getting to know Indian Law. We promise the best of the technology with much more to come in coming updates.
User can share their feedback and suggest Improvements for each individual section. Your worthy suggestion are helpful for us.
- Hindi as well as English support..
- All the sections divided into chapters and sections.
- Neat Presentation in the form of Heading and Description in every Screen
- Clean Reading Experience
- Memory and Batter efficient experience.
- A good way to learn about the Criminal Procedure Code
And MUCH MUCH more!