Kerajaan Sediakan Buku Panduan Mengenai Keselamatan Siber Ke Sekolah Kanak-Kanak
The booklet explains various kinds of cyber crimes like identity theft, job fraud, email spoofing and how children can overcome them.
The Union Home Ministry has come out with a booklet on cyber safety for teenagers that tries to address their increased use of smartphones, gadgets, online gaming, social media and fake news.
The 38-page booklet, titled "A Handbook for Students on Cyber Safety", also deals with the problems of cyber bullying, cyber grooming and email fraud.
On incidents of lynching due to fake news, the booklet, published only in English, cautions: "Fake news and hoax messages spread like wildfire on social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat). It may create law and order problem and may end up causing loss of life in a few cases. Before forwarding or sharing any message on social media or messaging app, check it on other sources also to confirm its authenticity."