Lihat kad Eid Al-Adha Wishes baru dengan imej berkualiti HD.
Happy Eid Al-Adha to everyone.
Eid Al-Adha Wishes Cards HD make it easy to send a greeting card on Eid Al-Adha to loved ones, family and your friends.
Eid Al-Adha Wishes Cards HD also have e-card you can send to anyone or make e-card as a wallpaper on your phone.
Eid Al-Adha Wishes Cards are very easy to use, it comes with a variety of interesting and beautiful pictures with good quality (HD).
Among the functions available are:
1. Eid Al-Adha Wishes
- This function allows you to enter your name and message in the image. You can send along a picture that has been put name and your message or you can store them in your device's photo gallery send later.
2. Eid Al-Adha E-Cards
- This function is very simple where you just need to choose a Free Eid Al-Adha Cards of your choice and you can send to your friends or keep your device in the gallery. You can also make Eid Al-Adha Cards as your device wallpaper.
Download Eid Al-Adha Wishes Cards HD now.