Stickers for Fallas 2017, al caloret. You are going to crack people up!
Ja estem en falles! Mascletàs are coming, along with the sound of firecrackers, la nit del foc, the open-air dances at night, the fireworks, the smell of buñuelos and churros with chocolate. Come to Valencia in Fallas!
Dress up as a fallero or fallera in Fallas with these stickers and share the photo with your friends! They are going to die laughing! Have fun with this Fallas app and tease your friends saying you’re going to offer flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken. Or that with the coming of the caloret, Rita invites you on the Town Hall’s balcony to watch the mascletà or the cremà of Fallas .
We haven’t forgotten about children! Girls can dress up as falleritas and feel like princesses, or like a Fallera Mayor Infantil. Pull off the fallera hairstyle and make your friends laugh! Take a picture each day of Fallas, with an outfit for each occasion: the Plantà, la nit del foc, the Ofrenda and la Cremà! Pose as an authentic fallera!