Search nearby Hotels, Gyms, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cabs, Night Clubs and bars
Now in more than 7 languages Find Local Places Near me & Around Me lets you explore where you are. Explore nearby ATMs, Banks, Restaurants, Bars, Night Clubs, Hotels, Cabs, Liquor shops with your voice. You can also save a place to place book.
Find Local Places Near me allows you to add missing places and businesses on the map.
Place Book lets you save location for future reference in Place Book.
Find Local Places Near me & Around Me (Place Book) lets you share location with your loved ones.
Find Local Places Near Me lets you set your current location by using Where am I feature.
Features in Find Local Places Near me :
View results on the interactive map.
Get the direction to the place.
Cheapest Uber cab to the destination.
The app works in worldwide locations.
Voice Search to find places around you.
Contact, Prices, User Reviews, Distance, Photos and Location of places around you.
Route Finder to locate places on map (Satellite map, Hybrid map, Terrain map, Road map)
Place Book to save places and share.
Add missing places on the map.
The app helps you search Restaurants, Bars, Nightclubs, Hotels, Events, Gyms, Schools, Libraries, Shopping malls, Petrol pumps, Beauty salons, Pharmacy, Hospital, Post Office, Cabs, Bakeries, Plumbers in the cityand everything around you.