List of fitness location for Just Sport Antidoping Initiative
Doping is one of the biggest issues in modern sports. This applies to both professional and recreational athletes, the latter oftentimes being unaware of the numerous negative consequences of using banned athletic performance-enhancing drugs.
The desire to progress quickly can cause long-term damage to one’s body, threatening its vital functions. Even though doping is not banned from amateur sports and its use is not against any rules, there is always the fact that you are cheating on yourselves and pushing your boundaries unfairly. Some of the most common doping substances include steroids, various stimulants, synthetic erythropoietin, human growth hormone and marijuana, and studies show the necessity of prevention in reducing their consumption.
One should bear in mind that over the past years there has been an increase in the use of different supplements boosting muscle growth and reducing body fat. The supplements’ use is also rather harmful as they are taken without medical supervision and as their consumption exceeds the recommended dosages many times over, which can also impact one’s physical and mental health.
The most effective ways to combat doping include prevention and raising the awareness about its harmfulness, and that is exactly what the project Just Sport is aimed at.