Learn Karen words & phrases for travel & live in Karen speaking regions.
A free & offline phrasebook for Karen language.
All 16 topics are free, no in-app purchases, no subscription required.
Learn Karen words & phrases for travel & live in Karen speaking regions.
- Over 450 phrases and words in 16 categories. 10 categories come with audio.
- Audio were recorded in high quality by native Karen speakers.
- All phrases and words come with transcriptions for easy to learn.
- Built-in search: you can quickly search phrases in all categories.
- Copy, favourite, share your phrases.
- Work offline.
This resource was developed by Karen Teacher Working Group.
You can get the pdf version at: https://ktwg.org/karen-language-resources/
List of topics:
Greetings, Personal Information, Hobbies,
At the tea shop, Shopping, School & Children,
How are you feeling?, Not very well today,
Family Photos,
What's the time?, On the phone, Where's the hospital?,
Days of the week, Months, Numbers, Some basics.