Pakaian formal lelaki berbeza Pakaian bergaya Tersedia Di Sini.
Men formal dresses photos is photography application to make your face in nice fashionable formal Shirt suit.
Men formal dresses suit is so easy and free to make your photo in nice looking suit without any hard work.Men formal dresses
suit contains funny, fashionable, latest and good looking suit so you can’t bore with single Suit Photo.The Men shirt suit is one
of the most professional dresses for shirt suit persons.Once wear this dress, you will become a shirt suit Men in your life
dream. Once wear this virtual suit and look at yourself, you will get more confidence in your life, you are one of the shirt suit
Men in this world.
Now start to wear these virtual suits in your mobile device.Now download and install on your mobile and take a photo with
your mobile camera with suitable pose.
This application let you add a shirt suit suit to your photo. Now install in your mobile and take a photo with your mobile
camera with suitable pose.You can choose already saved photos from gallery also. Edit your selected photo with rotate and
scale it and fit to suit position and you can also add text to your picture,rotate text and you can place it anywhere on your pic.
You have a wide variety of designer suits which makes you look more stylish You can delineate your photo with the auxiliary of
our Men Formal Dresses photograph. These applications give your wonderful Designer formal dress collection. You can take
photo from your camera and gallery and put your photo on your designer Men Dresses photo frame.Save your photo with high
quality in your device or SD card. You Scale, Zoom and pivot or modify your photo with different tools. Also you give your
photo to different effect and add text on your photo
Features :
-Enter text, with different font color and style
- Very easy to use this suits.
- Friendly interface
- No need internet connection required
- HD quality dress suits provided.
- Take image with gallery or Take new image with camera.
- Select your favorite dress suit to fit photo on face.
- Select your favorite suit to edit and decorate your lovely photos.
- Zoom in, Zoom Out, Rotate and Move features provided.
- After decorate your photo suit directly saved your SD card.
- Finally send and share your dress suit via social network sites through your
friends and family members.
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