Free app to get latest Pop, Rock, Hip Hop & Country song charts
Top Music Charts - Musibook : An app to keep you up to date with latest music trends!
Now keep track of current hit songs, history of various music charts and listen to them in one click
Using this app, you can access Top 100 Songs chart along with top charts for following genres:
★ Pop - Mainstream Top 40
★ Rock
★ R & B/Hip Hop
★ Hot Dance/Electronic Music
★ Latin
★ Country
★ Jazz
The app also offers you The Official U.K. Singles Chart as well as rankings for the top Streaming Songs, most popular YouTube and Radio songs.
Top features:
★ Stream YouTube music videos of popular songs
★ Autoplay YouTube songs of any chart
★ Navigate to next or previous song of chart directly from YouTube player screen
★ Watch YouTube music videos while browsing other charts
★ Continue listening to music even after leaving the app using our Picture In Picture mode
★ Go back in time using our Wayback feature - Click on calendar icon and select any date to view charts on that day
★ Option to use dark mode - Goto settings and enable dark theme
More features coming soon!
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