World of Numbers datang untuk hidup melalui aplikasi ini berdasarkan tema lautan yang indah.
The world of Numbers comes to life via this app based on the wonderful ocean theme.
1. Numbers 0-10 : The child learns to recognize the numbers and also associate pictures with the sound of the numbers.
2. Tracing Numbers: The child learns to write numbers 1-10 .
3. Counting Numbers: Helps to evaluate and enhance the auditory and counting skills of the child.
4. Number Sequence: An activity that requires the child to recall and tap numbers in sequence 1-10.
5. Missing Numbers: As the name suggests, this shooting game is about Missing Numbers.
6. Number Song: The Number Song has numbers 1-10 shaking and tapping to the rhythm and rhyme.
Your little darling will enjoy the experience of interacting with the app while exploring the world of numbers.
Educational Consultant: Sajeda Jamal