Menjana Kata Laluan yang kuat, dan PIN berdasarkan piawaian NIST.
PasGen lets you create strong, and random Passwords, and PINs. The cryptographic methods used in our algorithms are based on the recommendations, and guidelines from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
1) Generate strong, and random Passwords
2) Generate strong, and random PINs (Personal Identification Numbers)
3) Generate thousands of strong Passwords with a click of a button in batch mode
4) Copy and Share function
5) Control password requirements and parameters
a) Length of Password and PIN
b) Add a custom passphrase (This is optional, and will be added at the end of the randomly generated strong password)
c) Choice of Numbers, Lower Case Characters, Upper Case Characters, and Special Characters
d) Number of passwords to be generated in batch mode
6) Material dark theme - Beautiful + energy-efficient (devices with OLED screens conserve battery life by reducing the use of light pixels)
Detailed guidelines to better secure your digital identity: NIST Special Publication 800-63B ( )