Belajar ibu dunia dengan cepat! Percuma, tiada iklan.
This is a free, open source, and ad-free application that requires no special permissions. Quizzn World Capitals is a fast-paced quiz/flashcards application to teach you the names of world capitals in English. Choose to be quizzed either on the name of the capital, with four countries to choose from; or the opposite, being quizzed on a country, with four capitals to choose from. The application keeps track of your progress, and tailors the quiz to ask you what you don’t already know. So if you answer correctly on the first try, then you won’t be quizzed on that particular capital again. If you miss it on the first try, the capital stays in the “deck” until you’ve answered it correctly twice. Capitals are separated into categories by continent/region.
Countries that are part of a larger kingdom (e.g., Scotland, Wales) are included. States where the name of the capital is the same as the country itself are not (sorry, Luxembourg). If you can make it all the way through to 100% in the “Islands” category, I’m impressed!
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