Roll20 is a free-to-use set of digital tools optimized for tabletop games.
Roll20 for Android is a free-to-use set of digital tools optimized for pen-and-paper tabletop games. Take advantage of Roll20's powerful "QuantumRoll" dice engine, community-submitted roleplaying character sheets, visual handouts, text chat and more at your physical gaming table, or as a second screen with the online Roll20 Virtual Tabletop.
Roll20 for Android is best used during in-person play. Use it instead of a paper character sheet to go digital. For best results, have the GM use the Roll20 VTT on a laptop or other computer.
Be advised that currently the application must be used in conjunction with a campaign started via the free-to-use Roll20 Virtual Tabletop.
The Known Issues and feedback thread is available on Roll20's forums:
Android 4.4+
NOTE: This application is only recommended for Android tablets with a screen size of 7" or greater.