Take a look on most funny animated snake screen app and prank with your friend
Either you are playing free games or browsing the internet on google chrome or watching film you will always see the moving object in shape of snake which will surely gives you joy and entertainment in snake hissing scary Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App . Using phone for any game, email or texting your friends. This snake is on screen visible amusing features virtual fellow. While the snake has a bad rap as a pest. Snakes can often be quite amusing and even a fun pet. This application will display very realistic animation of Snake Python. Anaconda. Cobra. Serpents and Rattle on the screen of your device biting the screen. Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App moves slowly on screen while you are on main menu or doing any activity. Like ant moving on screen of phone, Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App also introduce to make you happy with realistic funny prank.
Real Python Snakes on Phone Screen Funny Prank. Browse the Internet and the slithery reptile snake crawl will always be visible Snake side by side to your snake mobile screen. Movement of this footless snake free vertebrate was generated on the basis of animation showing a retro snake moving in its natural environment. Not simple like mouse on screen but Fluent and frequent movement with high quality of graphics can make anybody pranked that a real snake just snake is moving on the phone screen. This Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App application will display very realistic animation of Snake which include Python, Anaconda, Cobra, serpents and Rattle on the screen of your device which looks like biting and scary moving.
Snake Funny Prank on Phone. Horrifying animation of reptile will always be displayed in the foreground. Download the Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App app to create the scary and hilarious pranks with your friends and colleagues. The app will run smoothly without lagging other apps. The green and long snake worms will crawl from side to side just in the foreground of your screen, no matter you are playing game or surfing the Internet. The graphic and animation is so realistic that your friends abusolutely believe that there is a scary snake in phone and you would prank them with capturing a video or photo and share with friends on social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp and many more. You can also imagine a fossil in screen or anaconda in screen or a cobra in screen. just a fun app. Reptile will always be visible. Smooth and natural animation of snake will make your friends be impressed.
Amazing features for Snake on Screen Prank - Real Hissing Scare App :
Real 3D Animation of Snake.
Cool and Nice HD graphics.
So many Snake Species to select manually.
Consumes less power and battery saver.
Easy and simple to use.
Many Snake Species to choose manually.
possibility of setting transparent notification icon
Consumes less power and saves battery.
normal, bigger and large snake size
Snake Stuck in Phone moves around the screen not simple like mouse prank and you can end the prank anytime by clicking on the Notification.
Get ready and scare your friends as a prank in funny app. Download now and enjoy the funny prank…!