Use Augmented Reality to provide remote support or quotes for your customers
Streem instantly connects you to customers through a video call and Augmented Reality. It's so simple, it feels like a phone call.
Using our video chat platform, you can remotely assess, scope, and quote jobs without setting foot in your customer’s house. Remotely capture video, measurements, and annotation - and review it all after the call for accuracy and clarity in your quotes.
This means you can create more bids, book more jobs, and serve your customers better than ever before — all in far less time.
Pros like you currently spend 40% - 60% of your time in traffic. With Streem, skip the traffic, and “beam” directly to the job site no matter where in the world the site may be. Now you can see what your customer sees and direct the conversation using a laser pointer and Augmented Reality arrow that anchors to the real world.
During the remote video call you can also capture pictures, measurements, and record the video. Share the captured information with your team so they show up to the job with the right supplies and parts the first time.
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