Baca Surah Maryam dengan Terjemahan Pelbagai, Transliteration dan Tafsir.
If you are looking for some information related to Surah Maryam, then you are where you should be; as here you will find information about Surah Maryam which might help you.
Surah Name => Surah Maryam
Makki/Madni => Makki
Surah Number => 19th
No. of Verses => 98
No. of Rukus => 6
No. of Words => 972
No. of Letters => 3835
No. of Sajdahs => 1 (Ayah 58)
Opening Muqatta’at => 5 Kaaf Ha Ya Ain Saad (كهيعص)
*****Some Exciting Features of this Application*****
◘ Easy-to-understand and user friendly design.
◘ Complete Maryam with Multiple Translation
◘ Verse by Verse Recitation by 5 Famous Reciters,
◘ Complete Surah with Verse by Verse Tafsir Ibne Kathir in English.
◘ Customise Text size and style.
◘ Transliteration Setting can also be custom.
◘ User can also share text.
We are pleased to offer this application Free to download. Download, use, and provide us your feedback, for further improvement.