Pembuatan cupcake permainan terbaik
Selamat datang di toko cupcake! Cupcakes adalah salah satu makanan cepat yang paling populer di dunia, seperti burger / pizza dan pancake, Cupcake Demam memiliki resep memasak yang unik. Anda bisa membuat YUMMY cupcakes dan pancake, mengelola restoran!
☆ Hiasi cupcake lezat Anda dengan permen, lolipop, taburan, es krim, strawberry, kue dan bahan-bahan lain yang lezat
☆ Masukan semua jenis bahan lezat bersama-sama ke dalam panci
☆ Banyak cangkir lucu dan modis bagi Anda untuk memilih
☆ Banyak alat-alat dapur , mixer listrik / oven dan lain-lain
☆ Fokus pada cupcakes ketika baking mereka .
☆ Desain kotak cupcake Anda dengan banyak bowknots indah
Welcome to Cupcake Shop! This is a cupcake cooking game!
Cupcake has unique cooking recipe. In Cupcake Fever, you could make YUMMY cupcakes and pancakes like a chef in the kitchen, manage the restaurant as well! Bake your day!
Cupcake Fever features:
☆ Put all kinds of yummy ingredients together into the pan.
☆ Lots of cute and fashionable cups for you to choose.
☆ Many kitchen tools, electric mixer/oven and others.
☆ Focus on cupcakes when baking them.
☆ Decorate your tasty cupcake with candy, lollipop, sprinkles, ice cream, strawberry, cookie and other delicious ingredients.
☆ Design your cupcake box with many beautiful ornaments
☆ A great deal of birthday cards and toys could be used, when you finish the cooking, take a photo and share them with your friends!
Take cupcake make as a cooking adventure!