Flower of life pictures
The flower of life is an image that contains in itself all aspects of creation, all mathematical formulas, every law of physics, a harmony of music and any biological life form. The Flower of life manages the vibes of the universe, this is a secret model, which is considered sacred in many religions around the world. It is found in many ancient carvings and temples. The most ancient example is the Temple of Osiris in Abydos. Even Leonardo da Vinci used the flower of life, to understand the mathematical laws. In this symbol all the structures constituting the Universe can be found, which we call "three-dimensional shapes of Plato". This structure can be seen at the base of music, as the distance between the rounds is identical to the distance between the tones and half-tones. By using the flower of life in everyday situations, we can modify and raise our vibrations, increase our energy and purify our bodies, for example:
1. As we put a photo or drawing of the flower of life under a glass or bottle of water;
2. Wear a necklace or bracelet with the flower of life;
3. With appropriate music, we can meditate.