Time Stamp Camera can help you to add Date/Time/Note on Photo
If you want to take photo/video in landscape mode, please download "Time Stamp Camera". "Time Stamp Camera Portrait" is for portrait mode.
If you also want video record function, please install "Time Stamp Recorder", it is also free but larger program size.
("Time Stamp Recorder" support video record, but "Time Stamp Camera" DO NOT support video record)
Time Stamp Camera can help you to add current date & time & note on your Picture. You can change the color and size of date string, or change the date / time format. Moreover, you can add a note on date string, and you can change color of note.
You can type @where in note string to display locate name. Type @city to display city name. And type @loc to display latitude and longitude. (Need to turn on Internet or GPS to get location information)
You can drag to move the position of Date / Time / Note! If you drag them out of screen, you can reinstall this app to restore to default position.
You can also set camera relative function in setting page, such as flash turn on/off, self timer, special effect, camera resolution...
After you finish your shot, you can save it, or share it to your friends directly by press share icon. You can also browse the pictures you took using the its Picture browser.
P.S. You can also hide date or time information by setting its format to invisible. (Top item of format choice) And type in the time or date you want to display by clicking Note icon.
Click screen, the camera will auto focus.