Aplikasi komunikasi bersatu untuk pelanggan babyTEL.
Triple-T Phone puts your VoIP desk phone in your pocket using any WiFi or data connection. Call and text for free from your work number using your smartphone no matter where you are in the world*. Plus, easily manage your desk phone settings, instantly receive voicemails as texts, start a group chat and more.
• TRIPLE-T TRANSCRIPTION: Instantly receive all your voicemails as texts so you don’t have to waste time checking your voicemail.
• COMPLETE CONVERSATION THREAD: Phone calls, voicemails and texts are logged chronologically in your text history so you can easily see what happened last and pick up where you left off.
• CONVERSATION TIMELINE: View, search and manage your texts, voicemails and calls in one complete timeline so you can quickly find the details you’re looking for.
• VoIP CALL & TEXT: Use your work phone number to call and text from your smartphone for free* no matter where you are in the world.
• DESK PHONE MANAGER: Easily manage all your desk phone settings like call forwarding, call waiting, voicemail and more no matter where you are.
• PRELOADED CONTACTS: Your whole team’s contact info is pre-loaded so you can stop wasting time searching for your coworker's numbers.
• VOICE TO TEXT: Talk your texts for messaging in a hurry.
• GROUP CHAT: Start group chats and keep teams up to date faster.
• PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: Set up push notifications for missed calls, texts and voicemails so you never miss a message.
*Triple-T Phone uses your phone’s Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available). Data charges may apply. Contact your provider for details.
We're always excited to hear from you! If you have feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at: support@babytel.net