VR Combat Flight! Ini simulator penerbangan terutama dibuat untuk 3D-Headset!
Welcome to VR Combat flight world war missions!
The first complete virtual reality flight simulator for android.
It contains 20 challenging missions. You can play for hours now!
- fly 2 different planes!
-10 missions during 1st world war
-10 missions during world war 2
- tons of different things to fight and destroy (trucks, tanks, airplanes, flaks, ships, buildings, trains and many more)
- a ranking system! earn medals for succesfull missions!
- immersive mission briefing!
- realistic flight controlls
- adjustable controlls
- adjustable graphic settings for best performance on your device
Please try the demo version of VR Combat flight first, so you can check if you like the game and all controlls are working fine with you controller! Search for vr combat flight demo! The demo is also FREE!
Otherwise you can find a link to the play store here:
This flight simulator is especially made for 3D-Headsets like the Cardboard, Homido, Durovis Dive (http://www.durovis.com) and Refugio 3D (http://www.refugio3d.net), VReye GO (http://vrelia.com/vreyego/),
Samsung Gear. You need one to play this game!
Since update v1.1 every kind of bluetooth controller, or bluetooth keyboard is supported!
Earphones are recommended for a good ingame experience. This game includes 3D sound effects!
Please view the video tutorial for succesfull gameplay!
This app is not made for tablets!
You can choose between standard controls or custom controls. If your input should not work, or you don´t like it, adjust it yourself.
Manipulate view distance to get the best performance for your device.
The standard view distance should work on modern smartphones. If your game runs fluid, you can raise the distance for a better experience. Otherwise lower the view distance. Try to find the best setting for your device.
Tested on:
-HTC one X, standard view distance or higher
-Experia L, standard view distance
-Samsung Galaxy S2, low view distance
The loading can take some time on older smartphones, be patient.
If you no nothing about to fly an airplane watch the video tutorial.
Any problems?
Contact: support@jackaarsoftware.de
"Matt's Blues" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
This game uses these sounds from freesound:
giant_explosion.wav by lex0myko1 (https://www.freesound.org/people/lex0myko1/sounds/69230/)
Short Explosion.wav by animationIsaac (https://www.freesound.org/people/animationIsaac/sounds/207322/)
explosion 1.wav by DJ Chronos (https://www.freesound.org/people/DJ%20Chronos/sounds/123234/)
fire2.wav by tc630 (https://www.freesound.org/people/tc630/sounds/47835/)
gun-shot.wav by razor2988 (https://www.freesound.org/people/razor2988/sounds/172877/)
generic prop_idle.wav by JillianCallahan (https://www.freesound.org/people/JillianCallahan/sounds/12812/)
Flight2.wav by Nbs Dark(https://www.freesound.org/people/Nbs%20Dark/sounds/94189/)
cannon_boom7.wav by ReadeOnly (https://www.freesound.org/people/ReadeOnly/sounds/186951/)
boom4.wav by NoiseCollector (https://www.freesound.org/people/NoiseCollector/sounds/6722/)