Studio Quality Binaural & Isotonic Sounds for Brain Training & Meditatie
Over 70 studio quality engineered binural & isotonic sounds for your brain training, astral & mental journeys & meditations.
Completely redesigned UI and new content.
Meditation Music & Guided Meditations & Extra Content (much more binaural and isotonic sound)
Premium Sounds List:
- Alpha Relax (Alpha waves)
- Anti Depressant Effect
- Anti Stress
- Attention Focusing (from drowsiness)
- Academic Performance Enhancement
- (Enhanced) Astral Projection
- Easy Aura Seeing
- Headache Buster
- Learning Aid (studying)
- Attention Focusing (cyclic)
- Awakened Mind
- Meditation (basic)
- Chakra Cycle
- Chi
- Creativity
- Complex Self Hypnosis
- Deep Mind IV
- Deep Mind V
- Drug Like
- Deep Mind VI
- (Enhanced) Spirituality
- Focus & Relax
- General Relaxation
- Headache (Allergy & Sinus)
- Headache Treatment (Steady)
- Headache Treatment (Varying)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Higher Frequencies
- Theta Waves (isotonic + binaural)
- Schumann Resonance
- Self Hypnosis
- Learning Aid (subliminal)
- Intelligence Enhancement
- Creativity Increase
- Long Term Memory Stimulation
- Love
- LSD Effect
- Lucid Dream
- Mayan Time (the great crossing)
- Meditation (after high mental activity)
- Meditation (deep)
- Manifestation
- Marijuana Effect
- Power Nap (meditation)
- Quick Mental Refresher
- Sleep Induction
- Sleep Induction (from wide-awake)
- Ultra Headache Treatment
- Basic Meditation Session
- Nicotine Effect
- Pain Killer
- Peyote Effect
- Quick Sleep
- Red Hot Body Temperature
- Reduce Anger
- Shamanic Slide
- Small Intestine Stimulation
- Euphoria
- Full Moon
- Hyperbolic Conscousness
- Hypnogogic Gale
- Instant Nap
- Power Nap
- Study Time
- Summer Meditation
- Tibetan Bowls
- Third Eye
- Tinnitus Relief
- Universal Frequency
- Vulcan Meditation
- Xanax Effect
- Wake up
+ Hundreds of Meditation Music + Guided Meditations + Extra Content (auto updated)