Pulp Głowa Strata jest narzędziem do Pulp and Paper procesu obliczeń kierownik finansowy.
Pulp Head Loss is a tool for Pulp and Paper process pumps specification, performing friction losses calculations of various types of fibers suspensions flow.
Calculations consider stainless steel pipes of usual commercial diameters and schedules.
Features included:
• Typical flow velocity and recommended pipe diameter for the selected pulp type and production (t/d or sT/d)
• Calculations in two different systems of units – Metric and English (Imperial) – with most usual units for piping calculations
• Internal diameter of the common commercial steel pipes for different schedules (thickness)
• Calculations of both distributed and localized (minor) head losses
• Reference calculated velocities:
Vmax=K’*C^s [m/s]
Vw=1.22*C^1.4 [m/s]
• If V>Vmax:
H/L=F*K*V^a*C^b*D^g [m/100m]
• If VmaxH/L=F*K*Vmax^a*C^b*D^g [m/100m]
• If VH/L=264*V^1.75*D^ (-1.25) [m/100m]
K’, K – numerical coefficient, constant for a given pulp
C – consistency, expressed as a percentage, oven dried [%]
s – exponent, constant for a given pulp
F – factor to correct for temperature, pipe roughness, pulp type and freeness
V – bulk velocity ]m/s]
D – pipe inside diameter [mm]
a, b, g – exponents, constant for a given pulp
* Equations, constants and factors from articles and papers published on the internet.